In 2020, my parents accepted my family, my cats, and my foster kittens into their home during the pandemic. They've been supporting my work with their beautiful cat beds and working tirelessly to help us save cats. All the products are made in their home. To date, their work has helped us take in over 1400 cats.

Meet the Family
My parents are the proud grandparents to 2 grandsons and *ahem* 9 grandcats. Three of their four kids are cat parents. Here they are with their oldest grandcat, Mr. Socks.
My mom is responsible for all of detailed work you see on the outside of the products like the donuts and the cute faces on all of the seahorses. She also is the only person who knows how to close all of the cat beds, kickers, and toys.
My dad helped design most of the products and is responsible for cutting and ironing all of them! Every single item was cut by my dad.